13 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Cao Jianming     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Chairman of the International Federation of Anti-Corruption Bureau
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Chen Xunqiu     Member of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Du Jincai     Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee; Deputy Director of the PLA General Political Department; Secretary of the CPC Central Military Committee Discipline Committee
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Geng Huichang     Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee; Deputy Director or the Subcommittee for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Guo Shengkun     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Minister of Public Security; State Councilor of State Council; Director of the National Anti-Terror Work Leading Group
2017—Deputy Director, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Liu Jinguo     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Deputy Secretary, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Meng Jianzhu     Director of the CPC Central Committee Politics and Law Commission
2012—Director, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Wang Jianping     Former Deputy Secretary General of the Joint General Staff of the Central Military Commission
2017—2017Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Wang Shuangquan     Vice-Governor and Head of Public Security of Zhejiang Province
2015—2017Deputy Secretary General, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Wang Yongqing     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Secretary-General of the CPC Central Commission of Political Science and Law; Deputy-Secretary General, State Council; Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
2017—Director, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission, General Office
Wu Aiying     Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Zhou Qiang     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; President of the Supreme People's Court of China
2017—Member, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
Zhou Yongkang     Former Director of the Public Security Commission of the CPC Central Committee
2007—2012Secretary, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission
2002—2007Deputy Secretary, CPC, Central Committee, Central Politics and Law Commission (16th)
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