Compiled from the following sources:

Special biographic research
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2002-2006

Who's Who, Current Chinese Leaders
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2003-2005

Revision History:

Biography Revised: 1/26/2007
Career Data Updated: 1/26/2007

PHOTO: Xu Jinwu
Xu Jinwu 徐金梧
President of the Beijing University of Science and Technology
Born: 1949
Birthplace: Zhejiang Province


Xu Jinwu, male, Han nationality, is a native of Zhejiang province. He was born in 1949, graduated from Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology, and obtained a master's degree there in 1981.

His field of research includes condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, signal processing and pattern recognition. He successfully developed several remote condition monitoring systems based on web and surface defect inspection systems of rolled strips. He also introduced nonlinear analysis in signal processing and pattern recognition. These research results are widely used in practical diagnosis systems. He was awarded the second class prize of the Science and Technology Research Prize under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.

Xu Jinwu was appointed president of the University of Science and Technology of Beijing in 2004.

Career Data

2004— President, Beijing University of Science and Technology Beijing Municipality
1993—2004 Vice-President, Beijing University of Science and Technology Beijing Municipality
1984—1988 Graduate Student, Aachen Technical University Germany, Aachen (Received Doctorate)
1981 Graduate, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering Beijing Municipality (Received Master's Degree)