Compiled from the following sources:

Special biographic research
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2002-2006

Who's Who, Current Chinese Leaders
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2003-2005

Revision History:

Biography Revised: 6/28/2003
Career Data Updated: 3/26/2006

PHOTO: Shi Bangding
Shi Bangding 石邦定
Vice-Chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Writers' Association
Born: 1944


Shi, male, Miao nationality, is a native of Youyang, Sichuan Province. Born in 1944, he joined the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang in 1986.

Shi is a prize-winning writer of short stories, a Guizhou province official of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, and an active advocate of developing literary talent among Chinese ethnic minorities. His short stories "Road Passes My Door" and "Water Monsters" won national prizes in 1983 and 1985; the books "Road Passes My Door" and "A Wonderful Cool Autumn" contain his collected works. In 1986, he turned his interest to the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and held a number party offices in Guizhou province. Shi was also active in promoting China's minority writers. He was vice-chairman of the Zunyi Prefectural Writers' Association, council member of the Guizhou Provincial Branch of the China Ethnic Minority Writers' Association, and deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial Ethnic Literature Committee.

He was a standing committee member of 8th and 9th CPPCC National Committees and was vice-chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang.