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Chen Guangyi     Chairman, 10th NPC Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee
1953—1954Technician, Ministry of Metallurgy, Design Department
Liu Yi     Vice-Chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
1993—1996Secretary, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research InstituteBeijing Municipality
1989—1991Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research InstituteBeijing Municipality
1987—1989Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research InstituteBeijing Municipality
1987—1989Director, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research Institute, Organization and Publicity DepartmentBeijing Municipality
1987—1989Director, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research Institute, Personnel DepartmentBeijing Municipality
1986—1987Deputy Director, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research Institute, General OfficeBeijing Municipality
1985—1986Inspector, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research InstituteBeijing Municipality
1979—1983Principal, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research Institute, Personnel DepartmentBeijing Municipality
1979—1983Deputy Section Chief, Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Metallurgy Equipment Research Institute, Personnel DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Liu Yupu     Alternate Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee
1977—1982Secretary, Ministry of Metallurgy
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