Print Media
      Guangming Daily
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Wang Chen     Member of the Politburo of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Secretary-General and Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th NPC; Director of the State Internet Information Office; Director of the China Law Society
1995—2000Editor-in-Chief, Guangming Daily
1986—1995Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Guangming Daily
1984—1986Director, Guangming Daily, Editorial Office
1984—1984Director, Guangming Daily, Labour Department
1982—1984Journalist, Guangming Daily, Politics and Economics Department
1982—1984Deputy Director, Guangming Daily, Labour Department
1974—1975Journalist, Guangming Daily, Domestic Department
Xu Guangchun     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee; Deputy Director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the 11th NPC
1993—1995Editor-in-Chief, Guangming Daily
1991—1993Senior Correspondent, Guangming Daily
1991—1993Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Guangming Daily
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